Jan's Tennis Saga: A Tale of Talent, Time & Triumph

Jan's Tennis Saga: A Tale of Talent, Time & Triumph

Meet Jan, a dedicated and talented tennis player and a self-described "two-towner" — playing in both her hometown of Pinckney, Michigan and 15 miles down the road in Ann Arbor. She plays outdoors in the summer in Pinckney and year-round in Ann Arbor, at the Huron Valley Tennis Club.

Tell us about the start of your tennis journey.

I started playing tennis in middle school with my dad and siblings as a middle schooler in Livonia, Michigan. I played 1st doubles on the high school tennis team, winning regionals. I got the nick name “hotshot,” even though I was a pretty introverted. Over the summer in high school and college, I assisted a tennis pro and taught tennis through community ed. I once taught a deaf young man, which became a seminal experience for me. I later became a recreational therapist in hospital settings. At 22, I moved to Denver and played as a “tennis bum” with a bunch of guys at the downtown Washington Park. I joined a women’s USTA team at a local tennis club.

We heard that you took a break from tennis after that. What happened?

After a few years on the USTA team, I moved out of the country and dropped tennis. I didn’t return to tennis until over 30 years later after my mother passed away, Covid hit, I got very sick, and got furloughed from my job at the hospital. At that point, looking for something to get me moving, I signed up for a community ed “cardio” tennis class. It was fun but almost did me in. I thought to myself, maybe I’m too old to get back to this! But I stuck with it. I found some pick-up games on local courts. The players there were very welcoming and supportive of a rusty player like me.

What does your tennis schedule look like these days?

I now play mostly at Huron Valley Tennis Club in Ann Arbor. I take both group and private lessons, play on Saturdays with a regular group and am a member of a daytime team. I also play at the Michigan State University Tennis Center over the winter, and in Pinckney in the summer.

Do you complete in matches?

I was asked by Coach Martin at Huron Valley to play matches for the 3.0 interclub team. I played in three matches, including the finals. I hadn't thought of competing again until Martin approached me. Though it was rough starting to play competitively again and realizing I’m not 25 anymore, I’ve loved every minute of it: getting in shape, the challenge, social time, laughter, doing my best and learning from others.

What are your favorite shots and why?

I like to use a variety of shots, from slices, quick reaction volleys and running down balls but I love hitting a high, deep lob that puts the player in a bad spot and usually creates a weak return.

You recently played in some very competitive matches. How did you keep your cool on the courts?

When I get nervous, I play more defensively and weaken my stroke. I try to remind myself of my goal: to have fun, get in shape and move forward.

What aspects of your game are you currently working on?

I’m working on not hanging back when I hit a deep shot, getting to the net as my volleys are pretty good, stepping forward more to get more power on my forehand, and always, my toss and serve.

How did it feel wearing your new "Out Here Having a Ball" Courtney tee on the courts?

It’s been really fun to wear my Courtney shirt because I am out here running, hitting, laughing and having a ball!

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